„Czy spektrometria mas izotopów stabilnych może być wykorzystana jako innowacyjna metoda w diagnostyce raków jamy ustnej?” Katarzyna Bogusiak, Aleksandra Puch, Radosław Mostowski, Marcin Kozakiewicz, Piotr Paneth, Józef Kobos Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Stomatologicznej i Szczękowo-Twarzowej, Lublin, 16-18 września 2021
„Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry as a new tool for investigation of fundamental problem of trigger mechanisms of cell migration and fate, and complex neural cell biology“ Taran, K.; Paneth, P. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV European Journal of Pathology 473, S143 (2018), “Nitrogen fractionation processes in germ cell tumours in the light of the most modern method of direct cancer tissue investigation” Taran, K.; Paneth, P. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV European Journal of Pathology 473, S261-S262 (2018) , “Unusual isotopic fractionation patterns of growing in vivo hepatocellular carcinomas of developmental age” Taran, K.; Paneth, P. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV European Journal of Pathology 473, S243 (2018), “Metabolic reprogramming and altered isotope fractionation of cancerous cells of neural origin in the light of advanced atomic level mass spectrometry” Taran, K.; Paneth, P. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV European Journal of Pathology 475, S50 (2019), “Aberrant isotopic composition of tumour environment in growing 'in vivo’ cancers in developmental age” Taran, K.; Paneth, P. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV European Journal of Pathology 475, S390 (2019)
“Profilowanie izotopowe w autentykacji win” Kamila Klajman, Emilia Góreczna-Skrzyńska, Grzegorz Ciepielowski, Magdalena Zbrojewska, Katarzyna Biernacka, Weronika Baranowicz, Piotr Paneth, Jakość w chemii analitycznej 9, Mory k/W-wy, listopad 2019
„The first oxygen stable isotopes assessment in ‘in vivo’ cancer tissues – a pilot study” K.Taran, Cichon, K.Gasior, A.Hincz, K.Klajman & P.Paneth ISI-Isotopes2022, May 29 – June 3, Dübendorf/Zürich, Switzerland
„Binding isotope effects in design of HIV-1 reverse transcryptase inhibitors” Piotr Paneth (zaproszony wykład), MIB VIII, Pilzno, Czechy, 3-8 września 2017
„Binding isotope effects as an indicator of the binding site” Piotr Paneth (zaproszony wykład), „Uncoupling of O2 activation by nitroarene dioxygenases explains high variability in substrate isotope effects of (nitro)aromatic compound deoxygenation” Sarah G. Pati, Hans-Peter E. Kohler, Anna Pabis, Piotr Paneth, Rebecca E. Parales, Thomas B. Hofstetter, „Intramolecular distribution of 13C in amino acids measured by 13C NMR spectrometry” Katarzyna M Romek, Gerald Remaud, Maxime Julien, Piotr Paneth, Richard J Robins, „Towards understanding the origin of the 13C/12C ratios in O-methyl and N-methyl groups: a combined experimental and theoretical study” Katarzyna M Romek, Anna Grzybkowska, Gerald Remauda, Piotr Paneth, Agnieszka Krzeminska, Richard J Robins Isotopes 2017, Ascona, Switzerland, 9 – 14 lipca 2017
„New developments in theoretical assessments of isotope effects” Piotr Paneth (zaproszony wykład), 24th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, 11-12 listopada 2016, Jackson, MS, USA
„Substrate specificity of kinetic isotope effects associated with the dioxygenation of (nitro)aromatic contaminants is due to uncoupling of O2 activation” Pati, Sarah; Kohler, Hans-Peter; Pabis, Anna; Paneth, Piotr; Parales, Rebecca; Hofstetter, Thomas, ACS, San Francisco, July 2016
„Isotope fractionation by methionine synthase – a major cause of depletion of 13C in O-methyl and N-methyl groups” K.M. Romek; G.S. Remaud; M. Julien; P. Paneth; R.J. Robins ISI, Nantes, France, 3 – 7 October 2016
„Hepatoblastoma in the light of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry” Katarzyna Taran, Tomasz Frączek, Anna Sitkiewicz, Anita Sikora-Szubert, Józef Kobos, Piotr Paneth, „Isotopic signature of 4-nitrotoluene oxidation” Reto S. Wijker, Sarah Pati, Hans-Peter S. Kohler, Thomas B. Hofstetter, Paweł Adamczyk, Rafał Kamiński, Grzegorz Ciepielowski, Kamila Klajman, Piotr Paneth JOINT EUROPEAN STABLE ISOTOPES USER group MEETING (JESIUM 2016), Ghent University, Belgium, 4-9 September 2016