“Use of Isotope Effects in Studies of Enzymic Reactions”, P.Paneth, Biotechnology Summer School, Stegna, Polska, 1996
“Calculations of Strain and Hindrance”, J.Pawlak, P.Paneth, Meeting of the Polish-Swiss Discussion Group on Reactive Intermediates, Szklarska Poręba, Polska, 1996
“Isotope Effects on Binding”, K. Rakowski, P.Paneth, II Summer School on Isotope Effects as Tools in Basic and Environmental Research, Roskilde, Dania, 1995
“Isotope Effects on Enzymic Systems”, P.Paneth, II Summer School on Isotope Effects as Tools in Basic and Environmental Research, Roskilde, Dania, 1995
“Efekty izotopowe w badaniach mechanizmów reakcji enzymatycznych” P.Paneth, V Sympozjum “Konformacja Peptydów i Struktura Białek” , Karpacz, 1995,
„Theoretical Calculations of Heavy-Atom Isotope Effects”, P.Paneth, 3rd International Conference “Computers in Chemistry”, Wrocław, 1994,
„Heavy atom isotope effects in enzyme-catalyzed reactions”, P.Paneth, Summer School on Isotopic Effects, Polish Chemical Society, Karpacz, 1993