Invited Lectures
“Badania mechanizmów reakcji enzymatycznych i ich modeli chemicznych za pomocą efektów izotopowych”, Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Radiacyjnych, Łódź, 10 listopad 2001
“Isotope Effects on Enzymatic Reactions and Their Chemical Models”, P.Paneth, Enzyme Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, 30 November 2000,
“Isotope Effects on Enzymatic Reactions and Their Chemical Models”, P.Paneth, Department of Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve University, OH, USA, 28 November 2000,
“Isotope Effects on Enzymatic Reactions and Their Chemical Models”, P.Paneth, Special Biochemistry Seminar, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA, 21 November 2000,
“Badania mechanizmów reakcji za pomocą efektów izotopowych”, P.Paneth, PTChem, Oddział w Łodzi, Łódź, 1999
“Isotope Effects on Enzymatic Reactions and Their Chemical Models. Theory vs. Practice”, Department of Chemistry, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, 1998
“Isotope Effects on Organic and Enzymatic Reactions”, P.Paneth, Special Joint Organic/Biochemistry Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA, 1997