- 2015: within molecular modeling course for PhD candidates studies of preferential binding of metal cations by centers embedded in polymers are carried out .
- 2008: within computational chemistry laboratory for students of the 4th year the dependence of kinetic isotope effects on the mechanism of dehalogenation reaction has been studied. Results were published in Journal of Chemical Theory and Computations (IF2014 = 5.50) published by the Americal Chemical Society:”A DFT study of the kinetic isotope effects on the competing SN2 and E2 reactions between hypochlorite anion and ethyl chloride” A. Pabis, P. Paluch, J. Szala, P. Paneth, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 5, 33-36 (2009)
- 2002: within computational chemistry laboratory for students of the 4th year the influence of substituents and solvents on kinetic isotope effects has been studied using theoretical methods for the reaction of quaternization of aniline derivatives. metodami teoretycznymi wpływ podstawników i rozpuszczalnika na wartości kinetycznych efektów izotopowych reakcji czwartorzędowania pochodnych aniliny. Results were published in Journal of Organic Chemistry (IF2014 = 4.72) published by the Americal Chemical Society:
“Calculations of the Substituent and Solvent Effects on the Kinetic Isotope Effects of Menshutkin Reactions” E. Owczarek, M. Lemieszewski, A. Mazur, W. Kwiatkowski, M. Rostkowski, P. Paneth, J. Org. Chem. 68, 8232-5 (2003)