
On May 23 and 24 working meetings of groups involved in preparation of the application to the final phase of the competition Teaming of Excellence and materials for the meeting with the FNP committee in the competition for the International Research Agenda have been held at the Lodz University of Technology and in Technopark . They were attended by members of the International Advisory Board.


The chairman of the Central Committee for Academic Degrees and Titles, Professor A. Tajduś has today been awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University of Lublin. The ceremony was an opportunity to meet the authorities of most of the technical universities.


Today, in a very good company, I joined the Committee on Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science.


Today we had accumulation of events; apart from the lecture Director NCN, Professor Błocki,a  lecture from our collaborator, Faina Gelman from Jerusalem (her husband Dimitri is going to give  a lecture on Friday for graduate students of the Faculty of Chemistry), and throughout the day a conference on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Computer Centre took place culminating in fantastic banquet – congratulations to former and present Directors of TULCC.


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 in this busy schedule it is great to find time for relax in a good company – thanks everybody for this moment of rest