
Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski (on right on the first picture, Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL Rektor in the middle), the director of the National Center of Research and Development visited TUL on September 12, 2015. Due to his interest in material engineering he visited new, modern laboratories of Factory of Engineers of XXI Century. He was also familiarized with advances of studies of graphene that are carried out in the laboratoty of Prof. Piotr Kula nd new materials developed in the laboratory of Prof. Izabella Krucińska.


On May 24, 2015 during celebrations of 70th anniversary of PŁ, Prof. Arieh Warshel – a winner of the Noble price in chemistry in 2013, received honoris causa doctorate. (on the right on the picture, on the left Ms. Lena Bobińska-Kolarska Minister of Higher Education,). Professor Warshel introduced a method of theoretical calculations used for large, most frequently enzymatic, molecular systems, most frequently identified by the acronim QM/MM. This method is widely used in our laboratory.


On March 23, 2015 Minister of Sport and Tourism, Mr. Andrzej Biernat, visited construction site of Lodz Academic Sport Education Center localized in the campus of TUL. It is expected that constructions will be concluded in spring 2017, and the exploatation with start in October. The central point of the Center will be the first in the region swimming pool fulfilling olympic regulations.


Long term scientific collaboration with TUL induced Airbus Helicopters to opening R&D office in Lodz. On this occasion, on February 19, 2015 a letter of intent between Airbus Helicopters, French Embassy and TUL (on the picrure from left: Jean-Brice Dumont, Vice-President AH and Pierre Buhler, HE Ambassador). Apart from intensifying research collaboration there are plans to create a new, dedicated study program.