roof of our beautiful building caught fire on Friday. Fortunately, people left safely and today’s estimates indicate that damage is moderate for the size and intensity of the fire extinguishing action.
another great conference, in which I’ve participated throughout the last week in Castellón, Spain. In the second picture from left: Cris Cramer, Vicente Moliner, and Michael Parinelli.
in the shadow of Giewont, from Sunday to Thursday lasted a conference on the theoretical studies of catalysis. A very successful meeting, already the sixteenth in the series, was organized by Prof. Witko and coworkers from the Institute of Catalysis in Cracow. Many thanks for the scientific level and great atmosphere!
despite the changeable weather, our picnic was a success. In addition to performances, food and attractions at the playground for kids very popular was also possibility of visiting the construction of the Sports Centre. Flag on the mast – sailing season has been started!
Today, with the stunning view of Warsaw seen from the 35th floor, a conference summarizing the program took place in Warsaw Trade Tower. Everyone unanimously recognized it as a great success. Enthusiasm of young scientists who consider continuation of the research started under the Programme the initial step of their scientific career was most joyful.
for three days the power over TUL has been passed into the hands of students. As you can see the competition between dorms was fierce