sometimes we need a moment of rest
New authorities of our Faculty initiated a new academic by year awarding two statuettes Friend of the Faculty of Chemistry, of Lodz University of Technology to largest and most modern enterprises in Poland: PGE GiEK SA Branch Elektrownia Bełchatów and Anwil SA. While spirited, unconventional lecture on selected themes of Lodz history has been delivered by the Senator Ryszard Bonisławski. It was a very good start of the new team, whom I wish every success.
Two interesting lectures on the basics of the theory of coupled clusters and its application in studies of cobalamin homolysis gave Professor Piotr Piecuch from the University of Michigan, USA at the faculties of Chemistry and FTIMS
September 4-9: very successful conference with a lot of new information both in the field of hardware and new applications of stable isotopes. During the day science and in the evenings … Belgian beer
and one of the reasons is celebration of the Army Day. In the morning we have placed flowers on the grave of the unknown soldier,
wow, what a … birthday! With surprises for the Jurek and for the guests. Once more happy birthday Jurku!