Other presentations
“Solvent dependence of kinetic isotope effects on the decarboxylation of 4-pyridylacetic acid”, D. Sicinska, D.G. Truhlar, P. Paneth, 2001 an Isotope Odyssey, 24-9 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland
“The study of enzymatic dehalogenation catalyzed by haloalkane dehalogenase, fluoroacetate dehalogenase and 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase by chlorine isotope effects”, A. Lewandowicz, P. Paneth, 2001 an Isotope Odyssey, 24-9 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland
“Theoretical Evaluation of the Hydrogen Kinetic Isotope Effect on the First Step of Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase Reaction”, A. Defratyka-Dybala, P. Paneth, 2001 an Isotope Odyssey, 24-9 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland
„Isotopic Fractionations in Closed Ecosystem – A preliminary Study”, Vokal, Barbara; S. Madhavan, S. Jankowski, P. Paneth, 2001 an Isotope Odyssey, 24-9 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland
“Cyclopeptide A analogues containing N-benzylglycine as a peptoid building block” M.T. Leplawy, P. Zubrzak, B. Olejniczak, P. Paneth, M. Smoluch, J. Silberring, M.L. Kowalski, B. Szkudlinska, E. Grochulska, J. Zabrocki, 26th European Peptide Society Symposium, Montperllier, France 2000; in J. Martinez, J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds) Peptides 2000, Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Society Symposium, EDK, Paris, France pp. 859-60.
“Efekt izotopowy chloru w reakcji dehalogenacji kwasu chlorooctowego”, D. Sicińska, P. Paneth, 50 Zjazd P.T.Chem., Łódź, 24-29 wrzesień 2000.
“Transition Structures from Experimental and Theoretical Isotope Effects – Some Examples”, O.Matsson, P.Ryberg, M.Kolodziejska, S.Madhavan, P.Paneth, Y.R.Fang, K.Westaway, 15th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Göteborg, Sweden July 8-13, 2000
“Hur ser det aktiverade komplexet ut? En närgången studie av en nukleofil substitution md hjälp av experimentella och teoretiska isotopieffekter.” O.Matsson, P.Ryberg, M.Kolodziejska, S.Madhavan, P.Paneth, Y.R.Fang, K.Westaway, Swedish National Organic Chemistry Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, June 5-8 2000
“Chlorine Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Haloalkane Dehalogenase Reaction”, A.Lewandowicz, J.Rudziński, L.Tronstad, M.Widersten, P.Ryberg, O.Matsson, P.Paneth, V Isotope Workshop, European Society for Isotope Research, Kraków, Poland, 2000
„Chlorine Isotopic Fractionation in Postojna Cave”, B.Vokal, J.Rudziński, P.Paneth, A.Dybała, SIMSUG 2000, Grange-over-Sands, England, 2000