From research to business

A few reports appeared in the press on the Laboratory of Products Authentication that has been recently opened in the Lodz Technopark. It is the result of the research carried out in my laboratory for several decades on isotopic effects of enzymatic reactions that allows to understand the variability of natural isotopic composition in different types of compounds. Earlier, we have obtained a patent for isotopic authentication of  coffee and we filed a patent application on the use of changes in the isotopic composition in oncology. In preparation are two applications for grant competition Tango. The laboratory  is an example of the possibility of direct commercialization of basic research.
Earlier reports of the Polytechnic genesis of this lab can be found in:


Express Ilustrowany:,na-tropie-podrobek-w-zywnosci-jak-to-sprawdzaja,id,t.html

Gazeta Wyborcza:,35153,19607627,testujemy-wodke-jedyne-takie-laboratorium-w-polsce-wideo.html

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